
Securing Foundations at Year 7 Work Group

This project aims to support the teachers of those students in Year 7 who require additional support to secure the foundations of understanding in maths necessary to make good progress in KS3 and beyond.

Full for 2024-2025

Participants will:

  • develop their pedagogic and content knowledge of KS1 and KS2 maths, with a particular emphasis on key concepts
  • practise strategies and refine their practice to best support students who did not meet age-related expectations (ARE) at the end of KS2
  • consider approaches which support all students to reason mathematically and develop a deep and connected understanding of the maths they are learning.

What is the cost?

This project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.

We encourage two maths teachers from each school to register for the programme and participate in workshop sessions. 


Schools have the flexibility to choose any one of the available dates for each of the 6 centrally led online workshops.

  • Morning Workshops are 09:00-10:30
  • Afternoon Workshops are 13:00-14:30
  • Twilight Workshops are 15:45-17:15
Central workshop 1Central workshop 2Central workshop 3Central workshop 4Central workshop 5Central workshop 6
Thur 5.9.24 twilightWed 9.10.24 twilightThur 28.11.24 morningFri 7.2.25 morningWed 19.3.25 morningWed 7.5.25 afternoon
Thur 12.9.24 morningThur 10.10.24 twilightThur 28.11.24 twilightMon 10.2.25 twilightWed 19.3.25 twilightWed 7.5.25 twilight
Thur 12.9.24 afternoonTues 15.10.24 morningWed 4.12.24 afternoonTue 11.2.25 twilightThur 20.3.25 afternoonTue 13.5.25 morning
Wed 18.9.24 twilightTues 15.10.24 afternoonWed 4.12.24 twilightWed 12.2.25 twilightThur 20.3.25 twilightTue 13.5.25 twilight
Thur 19.9.24 twilightTues 15.10.24 twilightWed 11.12.24 twilightThur 13.2.25 afternoonTue 25.3.25 twilightMon 19.5.25 twilight

This programme is full for 2024-2025.

If you are interested in joining the waiting list for 2025-2026 please complete the form below.

Join the waiting list