Further Education Mastery Specialist

Would you like to become a Further Education Mastery Specialist?

Origin Maths Hub is looking for enthusiastic further education teachers to take part in a fully funded two year professional development programme leading to the designation of Further Education Mastery Specialist.

What are the benefits of participating in the programme?
The benefits for FE establishments that apply to be part of the programme include:

  • The department developing a curriculum informed by a clear set of principles, policies, practices and systems which support a Further Education teaching for mastery approach.
  • The teachers in the department (including the specialist) developing a deep understanding of the principles and pedagogies underpinning teaching for mastery, and acquiring enhanced maths.
  • Subject knowledge with a particular emphasis on progression within key areas of maths.
  • The growth of teachers’ collaborative work, through which planning, teaching and assessment practices are developed.
  • The specialist developing their own understanding and practice in supporting collaborative professional development within and beyond their establishment.
  • The department making effective use of materials and resources to support the design of well crafted lessons.
  • Developing teaching for mastery approaches takes time and is not a ‘quick fix’, but the ultimate goal is that students develop a deep understanding of the mathematical ideas they are taught so that they fully meet the aims of their Further Education compulsory maths programme.

What is involved?

Participating FE establishments will nominate a lead teacher to develop as a Mastery Specialist and follow a minimum two-year programme.

During the first year, the emphasis will be on the lead teacher developing their knowledge, understanding and skills of teaching for mastery in their own establishment.

Upon completion of the first year of the FE Mastery Specialist Programme, participants will join a collaborative cohort of Mastery Specialists according to their provision type. Participants will continue to develop teaching for mastery approaches in their own institutions, working with their colleagues whilst being supported by peers in the collaborative cohort.

Who can take part?

The programme is aimed at those who teach GCSE Mathematics resit and/or Functional Skills Qualifications (FSQs).

Establishments nominating teachers for this role would be committed to the development of teaching for mastery in the lead teacher’s classroom and, in the second year, enabling collaborative development across the maths department/faculty.

What is the cost and time commitment?

The Further Education Mastery Specialist Programme is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating FE establishments.

Schools are supported for their release of colleagues: over the course of the two year programme 30 days of release time is funded to FE establishments at £400 per day.

Applications for 2024/2025 are now open! Closing date for applications is 29th March 2024

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