Teaching for Mastery Primary

Primary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Groups

These collaborative, engaging and fully funded Work Groups offer bespoke, easy to implement CPD to enhance your teaching.

We will look at developing your mastery approaches within the classroom, and your school, to promote a deeper and sustained understanding for all pupils.

I am a much more confident teacher of maths now and this has resulted in a better teaching and better outcomes, with a greater depth of understanding for the children. This also applies to most teachers in school.

Teacher – Primary Teaching for Mastery Sustaining Programme

The Work Groups in this project typically consist of a group of six schools, represented by two Lead Teachers from each school, who work collaboratively with a Mastery Specialist. Lead Teachers attend workshops that include opportunities to see teaching for mastery in practice. They take part in joint observations of lessons, which focus on the Five Big Ideas of teaching for mastery, and reflect on the impact of the lesson design choices. There are also opportunities for collaborative planning.

Through engaging in discussion with others, this Work Group supports teachers to make changes to their own practice, to apply mastery principles, and to reflect on the impact on pupils. Participants will be supported by at least three bespoke visits from the Mastery Specialist. 

This Programme is designed to support teachers to develop best practice in maths in their schools. The group keep in contact and share experiences from their classrooms and school settings. The ongoing work between participating teachers creates a whole year of school-to-school collaborative professional development. 

What are the intended outcomes?

Pupils will:  

  • demonstrate improved learning, as evidenced by schools’ internal data and reflections by teachers 
  • show a positive attitude towards mathematics and enjoy learning the subject. 

Leaders will: 

  • develop/continue to develop a common vision, culture and set of principles which support teaching for mastery  
  • start to create a clear set of principles, policies, practices and systems (including curriculum and staffing/timetable developments) which embody a mastery curriculum and a teaching for mastery approach  
  • understand the embedded, collaborative professional development structures aimed to support deep and sustainable professional learning, and start to build these as part of their school development. 

Lead Teachers will:  

  • develop the ability to plan, teach and reflect upon effective maths lessons that reflect a teaching for mastery approach. 
  • enhance their maths subject knowledge with an emphasis on progression within key areas of maths to cultivate a deep understanding of the principles and pedagogies related to teaching for mastery.

What is the cost?

These work Groups are fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so are free to participating schools. 
Each department will receive £1000 grant to enable the Mastery Advocates to work with the Primary Mastery Specialist.

Applications for 2024 – 2025 are open!

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries. We can’t wait to work with you!

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