Need Maths statements for your SIP? Origin interprets Ofsted for you!

How can Origin Maths Hub help you?

Origin Maths Hub has created school self-evaluation questions, which you can find below, using the main findings within Ofsted’s Maths Report: Coordinating mathematical success: the mathematics subject report. This document has been designed to be used to support school improvement planning.

  • Is the school using a high-quality, well sequenced curriculum?
  • Does the curriculum sufficiently prepare pupils for transitions between key stages and phases?
  • Do teachers assess understanding and ensure pre-requisites for the next stage of learning?
  • Do teachers have good enough subject knowledge to ensure pupils understand the connections within maths and with other subjects?
  • Are pupils getting enough practice and consolidation to ensure retention?
  • Are pupils taught problem-solving skills?
  • Are pupils factually and procedurally fluent?
  • Is the school fully utilising the support provided by NCETM Maths Hubs to provide external and support internal PD to help staff to understand the intended school mathematics curriculum and the way it is can be put into practice?

If you are a headteacher, we hope these self evaluation questions, statements and potential actions (aligned with the Ofsted recommendations) may be useful for you! These have been compiled by our Headteacher Advocates. If you would like any more information please email us at